lørdag den 24. marts 2012

Conference Nearly Washed Away - Foul Play Suspected

Massive flooding due to 
as yet unexplained circumstances 
to blame for today’s major 
re-scheduling  and relocation efforts
by Agnieszka Sobień

Who or what caused locked doors and flooding this morning at the conference venue?

That was the question repeatedly asked by all delegation members trying unsuccessfully to access their meeting rooms.

The flooding in the conference centre was the first problem. It seems to have occurred just before Commissioners and other delegates had to face the immigration policy negotiations this morning.

There are rumors that certain interest groups might know more than they let on about these problems. The Alliance of European Nationalists Movements is one of the most audible voices of the opposition to the whole immigration policy idea. They would be in favor of keeping immigrants in camps on the borders, and preferably in their own or third countries and not have deal with that issue at all. However, would they be so determined to sabotage the summit?

 Since the Amnesty activists are closely allied with the La Strada International, and have apparently been cooperating intensively with this group, maybe the anti-traffickers could ‘help authorities with their inquiries’? La Strada certainly has no reason to be satisfied with yesterday’s vague official responses to their concerns about human trafficking. Is this a desperate bid to influence the Commission in a highly unconventional way?

Today’s dramatic events gave
 a new meaningto the word ’lockout

Should we consider other NGO's as possible culprits of the affair? Would the friendly bartenders who have been seen lobbying extensively on behalf of Amnesty International turn to such extra-parliamentary actions, to counter their unofficial status and lack understanding from the Commission, perhaps to in a hope to generate more press attention?
Other possibilities might be extremely quiet delegation of Italy. Their enormous problems with immigrants would suggest that they have to take some actions. Is this perhaps the equivalent of a horse’s head in the bed of the Danish presidency and the Commission?

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