søndag den 25. marts 2012

And the Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf Award for Most Ridiculous and/or Useless Propaganda Effort Goes To...

Named for Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, better known as "Comical Ali", Saddam Hussein's Minister of Information. He became infamous for his pronouncement from Baghdad of doom for American forces in the Iraq War of 2003. The most memorable was his denial, on live television, that there were any US troops in Baghdad, while in the background US tanks could clearly be seen rumbling through the city streets.


Close-mouthed, that is to be expected from the Commission who are, after all, civil servants. But the almost Omertà-like tight-lippedness of the Commission at this summit, compounded by bungling planning of interviews and inept handling of the press, was extreme.

After this experience, one could almost imagine Barroso in the role of the only (briefly) surviving victim of the Saint Valentine's Massacre, Frank Gusenberg. Already dying when the police arrived and asked who shot him, he said, "Nobody shot me",  and died. Thus he both prevented the police from solving the crime, but immediately entered mafia lore, as witnessed in The Simpson's where local mafia don Fat Tony's henchman, Johnny Tightlips, won't answer any question - even to save his own life.

Do you see a resemblance? Perhaps not, but you will certainly hear a resemblance. Or rather you won't, 'cause he ain't saying nottin'.

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